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Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is a popular choice for clients choosing a non-surgical intervention on the facial skin. It has featured in the press and television, including Channel 4’s “How Not To Get Old”; and “10 Years Younger”, programmes. As a holistic treatment based on the systemic approach of Traditional Acupuncture, the whole client is considered, including the general health and wellbeing, with acupuncture techniques used alongside the facial needling, to compliment the treatment and the wellbeing of the body.

You may have become aware of facial acupuncture in the media, not only from the TV shows mentioned above, but from celebrities sharing photos of themselves actually receiving facial acupuncture, including the following: Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, Millie Mackintosh, David Duchovny along with newspaper columnist Lynsey Clarke.  If you have seen singer Katy Perry’s music video “Never Really Over”, you will recall that she is singing with facial acupuncture needles in her face in this!

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