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Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT)

❇️ Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a structured, time-limited psychotherapy, usually delivered through 16 sessions on a weekly basis. This seeks to help the client recognise the link between current symptoms and what is occurring in their relationships, via the identification of a core repetitive pattern of relating, that can be tracked back to childhood.  Once the pattern has been identified, it can be used to understand the challenges occurring within present-day interpersonal relations, which could be causing symptoms of mental and emotional stress.

❇️ There are many types of therapy, and these emphasise and focus upon different things. The focus of DIT is primarily upon issues within relationships.  When an individual can deal more confidently with relationship problems, their psychological health frequently improves.

❇️ DIT aims at assisting the client to understand the dynamics of relationship patterns, and improve their relationships by modifying these.  The efficacy of this therapeutic approach has been demonstrated by a growing body of scientific research findings.  The therapist assists the client to reflect upon on what they think and feel, which improves the client’s ability to manage their present-day relationship difficulties.

❇️ The aim of DIT is to alleviate client’s distress symptoms, and improve their functioning within relationships, along with their ability to understand others and themselves.  In DIT, the therapist helps the client to identify healthy and constructive ways of coping with challenging relationships.


What is discussed during DIT?

❇️ The therapist spends a few sessions discussing the client’s depression, and present-day and previous relationships, so that they can understand the connections between these.  The therapist assists the client to keep the focus of the conversation on these particular areas of concern.


What happens during the course of treatments?

❇️ Initial sessions:  The therapist and client discuss the client’s key life relationships and the way in which they are connected to the client’s depression symptoms.  The therapist and client work together in identifying a key pattern that repeats; concerning the way the client views themselves relative to other people.  This is done through the use of a questionnaire.  Following the initial sessions, the therapist shares this specific, personally-tailored information with the client, following which client and therapist agree which areas they should focus upon, in therapy.

❇️ Sessions focus upon the main areas of relationship difficulties as identified, concentrating upon bringing positive change. There is no homework, nor written exercises, but the client needs to engage with seeking ways of making productive change.

❇️ At the conclusion, therapist and client examine feelings around ending therapy, along with the progress the client has made. As a time-limited, focused treatment, it is not likely that all of the client’s identified relational challenges will have been addressed in the 16 sessions; meaning the client will need to continue to reflect upon the way in which the understanding they have realised can assist them in the continuation of the progress attained so far.

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