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Which Talking Therapy is for me? (part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of our blog on talking therapies.  Last time we started with the therapies that the recent Telegraph article went through, and today we’ll explore the other talking and psychotherapies on offer here at BCR with our professional practitioners, #AllUnderOurRoof

In this part of the blog, we’ll cover the A,B, C of different talking therapies our practitioners offer, namely all the therapies starting with those letters of the alphabet!  As follows, the quick links are:


Talking therapies typically occur on a weekly basis. They range from short, focused methods spanning several weeks to more extended sessions addressing complex issues like trauma. Sessions generally last 50 minutes but may extend for initial assessments or specific treatments like hypnotherapy or EMDR. For numerous individuals, talking therapies are transformative, offering insights and techniques to manage difficult emotions and circumstances.


Our dedicated page, with links to our ACT practitioners is here

✨ Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a type of behavioural therapy that incorporates mindfulness strategies. It aims to assist people in practicing self-acceptance and in welcoming their thoughts and emotions, instead of dismissing them or feeling guilty or ashamed about them.

✨ ACT proves beneficial in tackling stress and anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and is also helpful for individuals dealing with chronic pain or substance abuse.

✨ The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), which advises NHS doctors on treatment options for various diseases and conditions, endorses ACT as a component of managing chronic pain.


Our dedicated page, with links to our specialist practitioners is here

✨Executive Functions are cognitive abilities that assist in planning and organizing our behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. Examples of these abilities include initiating tasks, maintaining attention, managing time, and planning and prioritizing activities.

✨ Individuals with ADHD and Autism might struggle more with Executive Functions compared to others. Tailored coaching programs can enhance these vital skills, leading to increased productivity and success.


Our dedicated page, with links to our Art Therapy practitioners is here

✨ Play and creative arts therapies are forms of psychotherapy that utilize play and the creative arts as mediums of expression. The things expressed symbolically can provide the therapist with insights into the client’s emotions and thoughts.

✨ Art Therapy, a specialized form of psychotherapy, is particularly effective in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma. Sometimes, individuals may experience persistent distressing feelings and feel trapped in their suffering. Clients often seek art therapy when they find it challenging to verbalize their emotions. Through image creation with a therapist, clients can find a way to access, express, and work through these challenging emotions.


✨ Our dedicated page, with links to our bereavement counsellors is here

✨ Bereavement counselling offers a supportive space for those grieving the death of someone close. It is delivered with responsiveness, compassion, respect, and support to assist individuals in navigating the complex emotions associated with losing a loved one.

✨ This form of counselling aims to provide a safe environment where bereaved individuals can share their feelings openly and learn to cope with their loss. It helps in understanding and processing grief, enabling people to gradually heal and find a way forward after their bereavement.


Our dedicated page, with links to our Child and Adolescent Psychology practitioners is here

✨ Child and adolescent psychology, which includes paediatric psychology, provides therapy for young individuals and their families or caregivers, particularly when the child or young person faces intricate psychological, emotional, or social challenges.

✨ This therapeutic approach is grounded in scientific evidence, employing various psychological methods or interventions tailored to the practitioner’s expertise and the unique requirements of the young client.

✨ The goal of a Child and Adolescent Psychologist is to support and guide the young person in articulating their emotions and thoughts constructively. By creating a safe and understanding environment, these psychologists strive to empower children and teens to navigate their difficulties effectively. They also work closely with families to foster better communication and understanding, aiming to improve the overall family dynamics and support system.


Our dedicated page, with links to our hypnotherapy for children practitioners is here

✨ Children often possess vivid imaginations, and such creativity can be beneficial during hypnosis, tapping into a child’s deeper mind: this is crucial for reaching objectives.

✨ Hypnosis is a natural state where awareness is altered. It’s not a therapy by itself, but it creates a mental condition conducive to various therapeutic techniques. Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy cantered around the use of hypnosis. A hypnotherapist is someone trained to employ hypnosis to assist clients with issues impacting their psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.

✨ In hypnotherapy, guided relaxation techniques are often employed to gradually calm the body and mind, leading to an altered state of consciousness known as hypnosis. In this state, a person can focus more intensely than in normal waking life. This heightened focus is often accompanied by increased suggestibility, which can lead to positive changes in motivation, habits, lifestyle, health, perceptions, and behaviours, as well as altering physical sensations – commonly applied in managing pain. Hypnotherapy is also utilized in addressing depression, anxiety, stress-related issues, phobias, sleep disturbances, and various skin conditions.


Our dedicated page, with links to our clinical neuropsychologists is here

✨ Clinical neuropsychology deals with the mental and emotional disturbances resulting from brain damage, which can occur due to injury, illness, or developmental issues.

✨ Brain or nervous system disorders that fall under this category include conditions like stroke, epilepsy, brain injuries from accidents, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, forms of dementia, or cerebral palsy.

✨ Professionals in clinical neuropsychology are extensively trained to support patients and their families in managing the effects of these conditions. They evaluate how a condition affects cognition and emotions and apply therapeutic strategies to address anxiety, depression, or anger that may stem from the primary neurological issue. Additionally, they assist in adapting to life changes brought on by these health challenges.


Our dedicated page is here:

✨ In addition, general coaching is helpful for anyone looking for a time-limited, structured method aimed at enhancing a client’s work or business performance.

✨ Coaches concentrate on the present and serve as facilitators, aiding clients in focusing on skill development and learning new approaches to boost their performance, customized to their unique needs.

✨ Instead of instructing, coaches provide support and empowerment, helping clients discover their own solutions and become aware of their competence levels. This support helps clients build upon these stages to achieve their full potential.


Our dedicated page, with links to our CAT practitioners is here

✨ Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is a therapeutic approach that delves into the significant relationships in a client’s life that shape their thoughts, feelings, and actions. A CAT therapist works with the client to understand their current predicaments and challenges, setting achievable targets for beneficial changes.

✨ Typically, CAT is a brief therapy, consisting of about 16 sessions. It incorporates methods from cognitive therapy and psychodynamic principles. Cognitive therapy emphasizes the influence of beliefs, recognizing that certain unhelpful beliefs can hinder progress. By examining and questioning these beliefs, individuals can create room for new, more constructive ideas and ways of thinking that focus on progress and the future. The psychodynamic aspect examines how unconscious patterns influence current behaviours, aiming to bring these patterns into conscious awareness and understand how past experiences shape present actions.

✨ CAT explores the root causes of issues from earlier in life, helping clients recognize that they have adopted certain strategies to cope with past difficulties. These strategies may lead to persistent behaviour patterns that are no longer beneficial. Through CAT, these patterns can be identified and altered for the better.


Our dedicated page, with links to our counsellors is here

✨ Counselling is a type of talking therapy provided by a qualified professional, designed to help individuals navigate mental and emotional challenges.

✨ It offers a confidential and non-judgmental environment where clients can discuss their concerns, unravel complex emotions, cope with adversity, and identify and modify detrimental thoughts or behaviours.

✨ People often seek counselling during tough times such as grief, separation, or trauma, to work through intense feelings, and to tackle specific problems like depression, anxiety, other mental health conditions, or chronic physical illnesses.

✨ The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which guides NHS doctors on treatment options, endorses counselling in its 2022 guidelines for treating adult depression [NG222]. According to NICE, 12-16 sessions of counselling can be beneficial for those with depression, with the possibility of additional sessions if there are coexisting health issues alongside depression.


Our dedicated page, with links to our practitioners is here

✨ Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is a form of psychotherapy practiced by certified mental health experts. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with mental and emotional distress, especially those who experience intense shame and self-criticism.

✨ CFT guides clients who may feel overwhelmed by powerful emotions to develop a more compassionate attitude towards themselves and others. This shift can lead to a sense of security and well-being, as well as better interpersonal relationships.

✨ The therapy is applicable for a range of issues including anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, anger management, and psychotic disorders. By fostering self-compassion, CFT aims to alleviate the harsh inner critic that many clients face, promoting healing and growth.


It is definitely worth a mention at this time, that practitioners will have different training and experience, and that in very many cases will take an integrated approach with tools and techniques from branches of psychotherapy, psychotherapy and counselling practise.

Practitioners very often offer a brief initial consultation, sometimes without charge, to explore the suitability of their approach with you before embarking on therapy.


Access our dedicated pages on Counselling, Psychotherapies, Psychology, CBT, EMDR, Hypnotherapy and many more, starting here:


We’ve covered these therapy types this time.  Next time, we will explore in part 3 of the blog, some more of the other talking therapies offered by practitioners #AllUnderOurRoof at BCR.  More instalments of the blog will follow.