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All-round health from your expert team: What does it mean, to feel well; eat well; move well and look well ?

Motivation; Wellbeing; being Pain-Free, Mobile and Confident… What is important to you? Here at Bedford Consulting Rooms, we look at health from every angle.

With over 70 professional practitioners from a large number of treatment modalities, we have an eye on every aspect of health. We know that being well isn’t just about your body being free of disease, it is also about feeling well in yourself, and being able to take pleasure in the daily activities of your life.

Your first port of call for health concerns should always be your GP, and alongside this we can support aspects of your health and wellbeing.


Move Well

You may be looking to make moving and getting around, functioning physically on any level better. If you have physical discomfort, limitation or pain, or fatigue and are not feeling physically well in yourself, we have a range of therapies that could address this type of issue.

We have physical therapies to help you move well and function physically: acupuncture, physiotherapy, sports medicine, audiology, speech and language therapy, yoga, Pilates, remedial exercise, continence and pelvic floor physiotherapy, health screening and thermal imaging, with more practitioners joining all the time.


Eat Well

Accumulating evidence shows that the foods and vitamins, minerals and supplements we ingest all have profound effects on every aspect of our health, simple foods can cause or help to overcome disease states (Martínez-González et al. 2015; Pearson-Stuttard et al. 2018).

To help you find you way to eat well, we have practitioners of dietetics and nutritional therapy who can help you to balance and address how to intake what your body needs for health and develop good habits.  Our psychologists, counsellors, hypnotherapists and coaches can also help with eating issues.


Feel Well

Feeling unwell in yourself can make it difficult to know where to start looking for help, but your first point of call should always be your GP.

For mental health concerns we have practitioners of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, counselling, Coaching, Career Coaching, EMDR, DBT, art therapy and many more.

If you are feeling out of sorts and need some help with general relaxation and de-stressing we also have practitioners of clinical aromatherapy, reflexology, acupuncture, and classes for yoga, Pilates and courses of mindfulness, and of meditation.

For alternative approaches to health we also have Western herbal medicine, naturopathy, medical thermal imaging, private nurse health screening and private health consultations.


Look Well

To help you look as well as you feel, we have experts who practice  aesthetics (anti-wrinkle/dermal fillers/facial peels) and laser IPL hair removal, microblading, scalp micropigmentation and microneedling.


Trusted experts for all-round health

All our practitioners are fully qualified, insured and regulated for your peace of mind, and many will provide a free consultation or phone call to help you learn more of their offering and how this may be able to help.

If they are unable to help they will always tell you this, and refer you to someone who is able to, and will tell you if you should be going back to your GP or seeking urgent medical assistance.



Martínez-González, M.A., Salas-Salvadó, J., Estruch, R., Corella, D., Fitó, M., Ros, E. and Predimed Investigators, 2015. Benefits of the Mediterranean diet: insights from the PREDIMED study. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 58(1), pp.50-60.

Pearson-Stuttard, J., Kypridemos, C., Collins, B., Mozaffarian, D., Huang, Y., Bandosz, P., Capewell, S., Whitsel, L., Wilde, P., O’Flaherty, M. and Micha, R., 2018. Estimating the health and economic effects of the proposed US Food and Drug Administration voluntary sodium reformulation: Microsimulation cost-effectiveness analysis. PLoS medicine, 15(4), p.e1002551.